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Graduate Courses


Qualitative Research Methods

Qualitative approaches to research, conceptualizations of problems, questions, and methodologies for the field of communication.  Emphasis on, interpretive, feminist, critical, and cultural approaches. Introduction to methodological specialties of departmental faculty. Required of all Communication graduate students.

Techno Imaginaries & the Global South 

Combines close examinations of primary sources from film, literature, art, etc. with theoretical readings on temporality, globalization, (post/de) colonialism, social construction of technology, among others to interrogate how ideas and ideologies about technological artifacts are integral to dreaming up futures. Primary focus is on people and places outside the United States and Western Europe, particularly postcolonial Africa and Asia. 

Undergraduate Courses


Communication, Technology, and Work

This course examines the different ways that communication and digital technologies are shaping notions of work and labor. Students engage with ongoing debates on topics such as the sharing economy, micro-work , micro-celebrity, tech entrepreneurship both in Silicon Valley and other parts of the world, as well as the work that goes into making popular consumer technologies like the iPhone. 

Global Media Flows

From Hollywood to Bollywood, Korean Dramas to Netflix Originals, media finds transnational and diasporic audiences around the world and are remade, re-used, and remixed. This course unpacks theories of globalization and other processes facilitating the cross-border flow of various media. Case studies and assignments focus on the production, distribution, and reception of entertainment media from different parts of the world.


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